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Service Opportunities

    • Service Opportunities – Saturday, April 27th
      • We have committed to sending several adults and any interested Scouts down to Camp Squanto for the annual Camp Squanto Appreciation Day service day.
        • Talk to Brian about helping out at Camp Squanto. 
      • Weymouth town-wide cleanup on April 27th. We are volunteering to perform a spring cleanup at the Abigail Adams birthplace in Weymouth Heights.
        • Tanks-a-Lot! To Troy Emet for stepping up to be the adult in charge of this service project. Troy needs at least one additional registered adult leader to be on-site for the project. We need as many Scouts as possible to help out! 

    • Service Opportunities with our charter organization – 
      • Saturday, May 18th at the Whitman’s Pond gazebo cleanup
      • Sunday, May 19th at Whipple Center in Weymouth – Pancake Breakfast 8-11:30AM
        • We’ve been asked if we are available to assist with this event. They are looking for help with all aspects of running the event: setup, kitchen, serving, parking, cleanup. 

    • Volunteer Opportunity on June 8th at Braintree Town Hall
      • This is coming to us from Committee Member Dave Curran (
        • Michelle Maloney, former Assistant Den Leader for Pack 22 is looking for assistance at the Relay for Life event to be held on June 8th at Braintree Town Hall this year.  They could use at least 5-6 scouts to assist people unloading their cars and setting up their tables/displays from 10:00am-12:30pm.  We had a good number of scouts volunteers last year and we made pretty quick work of it. I’m happy to be one of the adult volunteers. 

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