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Category: Weekly Updates

Weekly Updates January 15

Hey Troop 19,

We will meet at the Moose Lodge tomorrow for the second night of “work with your hands” month. The Scouts had a great time last week building AC electrical circuits and getting a switch to operate a lightbulb. 

The Troop Committee meets tonight at 7PM on Zoom! All adults associated with the Troop including parents of our Scouts are encouraged to attend these meetings. Zoom link below, the agenda and previous meeting minutes are attached. 

Scout Sunday will be on February 12th, more details to come! 

Our Scouts have completed a period of Patrol and position of responsibility reorganization. Attached is a document that shows all Scouts listed by patrol and/or position. A youth roster by rank is also attached!

We are now taking sign ups for the February campout! February 17-19 at TL Storer in Barnstead NH, carpooling will be necessary for this campout. $15 to sign up at any meeting. 

Did you miss the signup deadline for the February Klondike Derby? The Troop is registered to attend and we are allowed to add additional signups with a late fee, so the cost now to sign up to attend with us will be $10. The required consent form for attendance is attached. 

We will be hosting a Klondike Derby TRAINING day on Saturday, January 28th. Plan for 9am-3pm. More details soon. 

Weekly Update January 8

Hey Troop 19,

We will meet at the Moose Lodge tomorrow night for the first night of “work with your hands” month! 

Gym Night is also this week, Wednesday night at First Church, bring a friend! If you need to complete the fitness requirements for Tenderfoot, this is a perfect time to work on that! 

The signup deadlines for both the January campout at Squanto and February Klondike Derby at Squanto is TOMORROW! Sign up at the meeting or send me an email by the end of the night to sign up. I’ve attached the rosters from both signup envelopes, if your name isn’t listed, you either didn’t sign up or we goofed and you should let me know!

Tentatively, the January Troop Committee meeting will be held next Sunday, the 3rd Sunday of the month, (1/15) at 7pm via Zoom but I will keep an eye on the football schedule and avoid meeting during a potential Patriots playoff game. 

We will be hosting a Klondike Derby TRAINING day on Saturday, January 28th. Plan for 9am-3pm. More details soon. 

Weekly Update January 2

Hey Troop 19,

Happy New Year!

We will not be meeting tonight. We will see you next Monday night at the Moose Lodge. These weekly emails will return to Sundays next week. 

Tentatively, the January Troop Committee meeting will be held on the 3rd Sunday (1/15) at 7pm via Zoom but I will keep an eye on the football schedule and avoid meeting during a potential Patriots playoff game. 

There will be a Merit Badge Academy (MBA) next month hosted by the Friends of Canton Scouting. Our Scouts have been invited and our adults have been asked to help. If interested, speak to Jim ASAP. Details below. 

Coming up soon – with the holidays coming, the signup deadlines for the JANUARY campout and FEBRUARY Klondike Derby are only a few Troop meetings away. Both are at Camp Squanto and both have a signup DEADLINE of JANUARY 9th. Some details below, more to come. 

Here’s everything going on: 

  • No Troop Meeting Tonight. See you next Monday night at the Moose Lodge 
  • Merit Badge Academy Hosted by Friends of Canton Scouting
    • SCOUTS AND ADULTS – If interested in participating, speak to Jim ASAP. 
    • Friends of Canton Scouting is offering a Merit Badge Academy (MBA) on January 21st and January 28th from 7:30am-2:30pm at Bridgewater Raynham Regional High School!
    • At the MBA, scouts will have the opportunity to earn up to three merit badges of their choosing.  Students will begin work on their badges on Day 1 (1/21), complete any multiday assignments on their own in the week between classes, and continue their guided coursework Day 2 (1/28).
    • Total cost of the MBA is $36 per scout, which you will pay at the end of filling out this form.   This includes an MBA ‘Class B’ (T-shirt) and a commemorative patch for each participant.
    • If we have Scouts attending, we must volunteer a certain number of adults to assist in the event. 
  • January Campout – Camp Squanto 1/13-1/15
    • $15 per person to attend, sign up by 1/9
    • More details to come
  • February Klondike Derby – Camp Squanto 2/11
    • $5 per person to attend
      • After this deadline, we will pass along the late fee charges to you if you wish to sign up late. The Troop is subsidizing the per-person registration fee for all who sign up however we will not cover the late fee for you. 
    • Klondike Derby hats are NOT included in registration this year. We will let you know what they will cost to purchase once we find out. 
    • There will likely be at least a permission form required for this event. We will also have to turn in medical forms, however if we have a valid one on file for you then we will turn that in for you. 
  • SAVE THE DATE – February Campout @ TL Storer in NH: 2/17-2/19
    • This will be another carpool campout.
  • January Troop Committee Meeting – Tentatively Sunday 1/15 @ 7pm via Zoom 

Weekly Update December 26

Hey Troop 19,

We hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas. 

The weekly update this week contains no updates; there is no new information below but if you haven’t read through it before, you should do so. 

We will NOT meet tonight or next Monday night. 

There will be a Merit Badge Academy (MBA) next month hosted by the Friends of Canton Scouting. Our Scouts have been invited and our adults have been asked to help. If interested, speak to Jim ASAP. Details below. 

Coming up soon – with the holidays coming, the signup deadlines for the JANUARY campout and FEBRUARY Klondike Derby are only a few Troop meetings away. Both are at Camp Squanto and both have a signup DEADLINE of JANUARY 9th. Some details below, more to come. 

Here’s everything going on: 

  • No Troop Meetings on 12/26 or 1/2 – First meeting of 2023 on 1/9/23. 
  • Merit Badge Academy Hosted by Friends of Canton Scouting
    • SCOUTS AND ADULTS – If interested in participating, speak to Jim ASAP. 
    • Friends of Canton Scouting is offering a Merit Badge Academy (MBA) on January 21st and January 28th from 7:30am-2:30pm at Bridgewater Raynham Regional High School!
    • At the MBA, scouts will have the opportunity to earn up to three merit badges of their choosing.  Students will begin work on their badges on Day 1 (1/21), complete any multiday assignments on their own in the week between classes, and continue their guided coursework Day 2 (1/28).
    • Total cost of the MBA is $36 per scout, which you will pay at the end of filling out this form.   This includes an MBA ‘Class B’ (T-shirt) and a commemorative patch for each participant.
    • If we have Scouts attending, we must volunteer a certain number of adults to assist in the event. 
  • January Campout – Camp Squanto 1/13-1/15
    • $15 per person to attend, sign up by 1/9
    • More details to come
  • February Klondike Derby – Camp Squanto 2/11
    • $5 per person to attend
      • After this deadline, we will pass along the late fee charges to you if you wish to sign up late. The Troop is subsidizing the per-person registration fee for all who sign up however we will not cover the late fee for you. 
    • Klondike Derby hats are NOT included in registration this year. We will let you know what they will cost to purchase once we find out. 
    • There will likely be at least a permission form required for this event. We will also have to turn in medical forms, however if we have a valid one on file for you then we will turn that in for you. 
  • SAVE THE DATE – February Campout @ TL Storer in NH: 2/17-2/19
    • This will be another carpool campout.

Next Troop Meeting

We will NOT meet next week nor the following week. Our first Troop meeting of 2023 will be on January 9th. The weekly email newsletters will continue to be sent however they may be delayed by one day due to the holidays. Both myself and Jim will be available by phone, text and email if you have any Troop business to handle over the next two weeks.

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