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Category: Weekly Updates

Weekly Update

Here’s everything going on: 

  • Hey Troop 19,
  • The Troop will be going to Magoo’s in Rockland tomorrow night for mini golf and ice cream, bring money to participate! We will meet there at 6:30PM!
  • Have you signed up for the JFK Library visit in July? You have a 7/1 deadline to contact Reem D by email to sign up, THAT’S TOMORROW! I sent an email on Friday with a listing of who HAS signed up with Reem.
  • Have you signed up for Summer Camp yet? What are you waiting for?! The discounted early-bird Scout sign up fee and the DEADLINE for ADULTS to sign up is NEXT WEEK! Please contact me if there is a financial concern preventing you from signing up. 

  • Here’s everything going on: 

  • Join us for mini golf and ice cream tomorrow at Magoo’s in Rockland!
    • 190 VFW Dr, Rockland, MA 02370
    • We will meet at 6:30pm and wrap up around dusk (they close at 9PM).
    • Bring money to participate! A round of mini golf is $10 for those aged 12+ and ice cream is…whatever ice cream costs these days. 
    • They have food available for purchase as well. 
  • Summer Camp Sign Ups! Sign Up!
    • August 10-17 at Treasure Valley Scout Reservation
    • The full summer camp info packet is attached. Please take a look through it and sign up for camp by filling out the appropriate paperwork (youth or adult form) contained in the packet. 
    • We will start accepting MERIT BADGE signups from all Scouts starting during the pre-opening at the meeting TOMORROW. See Sam for merit badge sign ups. All Scouts should complete the merit badge form as soon as possible. We want to offer you the badges you want to take! 
  • JFK Library Visit  – Saturday, July 13th at 11AM 
    • Contact Reem to sign up
    • A big Troop 19 “Tanks-A-Lot!” to Reem for setting up an opportunity for us to visit the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. 
    • A flier is attached to this email with much more information.
  • Discounted Camping Equipment – Hiker Direct program
    • Many of us have purchased camping gear through the Hiker Direct program (ALPS Mountaineering and associated brands; our Scouts sleep in ALPS tents on every campout! 
    • Everyone who has an affiliation with Scouting (such as being a member of our Troop) can sign up for the Hiker Direct program, which offers discounts on camping gear in the range of 40-50% off of their list prices. 
    • If you haven’t signed up yet, let me know and I can send you a referral link! 

Hey Troop 19,

Welcome to our many new members of Troop 19! We are thrilled to have so many new Scouts cross over into our Troop from both Pack 22 and Pack 19 last week!

We are now taking sign ups for Summer Camp! Sign up at any Monday night meeting. Don’t delay! Merit badge sign ups (preference forms) will be available starting at the meeting pre-opening this week! 

June is Summer Camp sign up month! We want YOU to sign up for Summer Camp by the end of June! Turn in sign up paperwork to Brian and see Sam to complete your merit badge sign ups! 

Here’s everything going on: 

  • Upcoming Troop Meetings – June 3rd and 10th will be at the Braintree Moose Lodge, June 17th will be at Pond Meadow Park (at the picnic area near the dam) 
  • New Member Info and Paperwork 
    • For our newest members, welcome to Troop 19! You should have received a packet of information and paperwork from us at your crossover ceremony. Some of these documents should be completed and turned in to us (Brian or Jim) ASAP. 
    • If you did not receive these documents or need another copy, they are available online. These are also available to all continuing members of Troop 19 to access as needed. 
    • NEW SCOUTS – If you attended the Troop meeting last week, you should have been issued your own Scout Handbook. Please write your name in it! You also need to complete the youth protection exercises ASAP, this is the pamphlet that comes inside the book that can be pulled out of the book.
      • If you missed the meeting last week or did not receive a handbook, see Jim or Brian at the next meeting to receive your book. The Scout Handbook is a valuable reference book and includes all of your rank advancement requirements. Bring your book to meetings and regular Troop campouts so we can help YOU advance in Scouting! 
  • Troop 19 Trading Post – We will have Class B t-shirts, Troop hats, bolo ties, “19” troop numerals and any other Troop 19 Trading Post items we have available at the next Troop meeting on June 3rd. 
  • Summer Camp Sign Ups! Sign Up!
    • August 10-17 at Treasure Valley Scout Reservation
    • The full summer camp info packet is attached. Please take a look through it and sign up for camp by filling out the appropriate paperwork (youth or adult form) contained in the packet. 
    • We will start accepting MERIT BADGE signups from all Scouts starting during the pre-opening at the meeting TOMORROW. See Sam for merit badge sign ups. All Scouts should complete the merit badge form as soon as possible. We want to offer you the badges you want to take!
  • Discounted Camping Equipment – Hiker Direct program
    • Many of us have purchased camping gear through the Hiker Direct program (ALPS Mountaineering and associated brands; our Scouts sleep in ALPS tents on every campout! 
    • Everyone who has an affiliation with Scouting (such as being a member of our Troop) can sign up for the Hiker Direct program, which offers discounts on camping gear in the range of 40-50% off of their list prices. 
    • If you haven’t signed up yet, let me know and I can send you a referral link! 

Hey Troop 19,

We will meet tomorrow at the Moose Lodge. Gym Night is on Wednesday night at First Church! 

We are now taking sign ups for Summer Camp! Sign up at any Monday night meeting. Don’t delay! Merit badge sign ups (preference forms) will be available starting at the meeting pre-opening this week! 

Approximately 8 of the bullet point topics below are NEW to this week’s email. Please read through all of these items so you are informed of all we have going on over the next couple of months! 

Here’s everything going on:

  • Summer Camp Sign Ups! Sign Up!
    • August 10-17 at Treasure Valley Scout Reservation
    • The full summer camp info packet is attached. Please take a look through it and sign up for camp by filling out the appropriate paperwork (youth or adult form) contained in the packet. 
    • We will start accepting MERIT BADGE signups from all Scouts starting during the pre-opening at the meeting TOMORROW. See Sam for merit badge sign ups. All Scouts should complete the merit badge form as soon as possible. We want to offer you the badges you want to take! 
  • Gym Night is this Wednesday night at First Church in Weymouth, bring a friend!
    • 6:30-8:15pm, 17 Church Street Weymouth 
  • June Campout – We will be camping at Wompatuck State Park in June
    • Previously mentioned plans for an overnight stay on the USS Constitution have been rescheduled to the fall. 
    • We will be tenting in Scout Site #4 at Wompatuck State Park on June 21-23
    • $20 per person, sign up at any Monday night meeting
    • More info soon, including detailed directions to the campsite from the park road 
  • Crossover Ceremonies – We are receiving new Scouts from Pack 19 and Pack 22
    • We need SCOUTS (and adults) to attend to help us welcome our new Scouts into Troop 19
    • Pack 19 will be at the Braintree Moose Lodge on May 13th (before our regular Troop meeting)
    • Pack 22 has invited us to their crossover at Camp Norse in the evening on Saturday, May 18th. We are receiving a large number of new Scouts in this ceremony! Please let the Scoutmaster know if you will attend. 
  • Nate Campbell Eagle Project Part 2 – Keep Saturday, May 25th on your calendar for this.
  • Tentative May Swim Night Wednesday, May 22nd at a different pool than previous months
  • May Troop Committee Meeting – Sunday, May 19th at 7PM on Zoom

Hey Troop 19,

We will meet tomorrow at the Moose Lodge. 

We have 2 service activities on Saturday, one in Weymouth and one at Camp Squanto. You should be participating in one of them, we need more help at the Weymouth one than Squanto. There are sign up sheets at the meeting tomorrow.

For the May camporee, have you turned in the permission form? If you owe us a medical form, what about that? Have you ordered your kilt (email sent 4/8 subject: KILTS FOR MAY CAMPOUT – Order Now!)? You should have a backpacking backpack for your personal gear and a day pack (small school bag) for this campout. Talk to the Scoutmaster if you need a bag. We will start discussing CARPOOLING on Monday night. 

I have attached the leader’s guide for the Highland Games camporee. Some of the info contained is not relevant for individual members to know but this will give you an idea of the plans and expectations for the weekend. 

Here’s everything going on: 

  • Troop Meeting Tomorrow 
    • Braintree Moose Lodge, 175 W Howard St, Braintree, MA 02184 in the event room in the rear of the building. 
    • Pre-opening starts at 6:30PM, opening ceremony at 7PM and closing ceremony with announcements at 8:15PM

  • ADVANCEMENT CHAIR EMAIL – New Advancement Chair Michael Joyce will be using a dedicated email address for handling advancement related messages. Please use to ensure your message does not get lost in his personal inbox. 

  • SCOUTS BELOW THE RANK OF SECOND CLASS: Do You Need These Requirements?
    • These requirements are ones that YOU must complete on your own or with your family. Many of you below Second Class have NOT completed these requirements. Parents, have your Scouts completed these with you? If not, they should!
    • Second Class 8c: With your parents or guardian, decide on an amount of money that you would like to earn, based on the cost of a specific item you would like to purchase. Develop a written plan to earn the amount agreed upon and follow that plan; it is acceptable to make changes to your plan along the way. Discuss any changes made to your original plan and whether you met your goal.        
    • Second Class 8d: At a minimum of three locations, compare the cost of the item for which you are saving to determine the best place to purchase it. After completing Second Class requirement 8c, decide if you will use the amount that you earned as originally intended, save all or part of it, or use it for another purpose.          
    • Summer Camp 2024 – August 10-17 at Treasure Valley Scout Reservation
      • We are working out the finer details but we will be returning to TVSR for Summer Camp this year! Save the dates, we hope you will all be joining us. 
    • Storage Container Update –
      • We have secured a new home for our storage container, the Sons of Italy in Weymouth. A big Tanks-A-Lot! to the Sons and especially to Eagle #75 for helping us make this connection
      • We have successfully moved the container over to the Sons of Italy. Thank you to everyone who helped and a big Troop 19 Tanks-A-Lot to Junior from Malloy’s Automotive Services for helping us move the container on a tow truck. 

    Weekly Updates

    This weeks meeting

    Braintree Moose Lodge, 175 W Howard St, Braintree, MA 02184 in the event room in the rear of the building. Pre-opening starts at 6:30PM, opening ceremony at 7PM and closing ceremony with announcements at 8:15PM

    • Adult Leader Training Opportunities
      • Wood Badge – April 12-14 AND May 18-19 2024 being run by Spirit of Adventure Council to our north. Details to come on this but the Troop Committee is likely to subsidize your registration cost if you are willing to complete this valuable adult leader training. 
    • Summer Camp 2024 – August 10-17 at Treasure Valley Scout Reservation
      • We are working out the finer details but we will be returning to TVSR for Summer Camp this year! Save the dates, we hope you will all be joining us. 
    • Storage Container Update –
      • We have secured a new home for our storage container, the Sons of Italy in Weymouth. A big Tanks-A-Lot! to the Sons and especially to Eagle #75 for helping us make this connection
      • Very soon, we will need to move the container from the St Thomas More property. This may come on short notice. We will need to unpack the container, load the contents onto trailers and vehicles in order for the container to be moved, then we will need to unload and pack the container at it’s new home.
        • We will need help with this. A lot of help!
      • Once the container is moved and the weather allows, we have committed to painting the container. We will need help for this as well, both Scout and adult help. Any work that requires use of a ladder will require adults. 
      • We are planning for Saturday March 30th and/or Saturday April 6th for the unloading of the container. 
    • Troop Winter Hats Have Arrived – Pick Up next Monday (not available on 3/18)
      • Please be sure you paid for your pre-ordered hats. $12 either in cash or send Venmo to Carolyn. 
      • Additional hats are available for purchase at the same price. 
    • March Swim Night – Wednesday, March 27th from 7-8 PM 
      • Connell Memorial Swimming Pool 220 Broad St, Weymouth
      • Tanks-a-Lot! to Ryan Hawker for making the arrangements with the pool.
    • SAVE THE DATE – Saturday, July 13th at 11AM 
      • A big Troop 19 “Tanks-A-Lot!” to Reem for setting up an opportunity for us to visit the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. More details will be coming but you won’t want to miss this! 

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