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Weekly Update 3/26

Hey Troop 19,

We will meet tomorrow at the Moose Lodge. Wear your CLASS B uniform this week! If you don’t know what that is or you want to purchase a Class B t-shirt, see below! 

Tomorrow, we will be learning how to use a fire extinguisher! 

We have a couple of special Troop 19 apparel items we will be ordering NEXT WEEK. If you want to join our order, we need your commitment by NEXT MONDAY NIGHT. Details below & attached fliers. To order either, just tell ME right away. Email, text, hand me a handwritten note, as long as I know who and how many! 

Be sure to be planning to attend the April Gym Night, you won’t want to miss out on what we are planning! 

Have you signed up for the Isaac Davis camporee yet? What are you waiting for? The deadline is APRIL 3rd to sign up! That’s next Monday night! There’s only 9 of us signed up so far?! 

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