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Hey Troop 19,

We will meet tomorrow at the Moose Lodge. Gym Night is on Wednesday night at First Church! 

We are now taking sign ups for Summer Camp! Sign up at any Monday night meeting. Don’t delay! Merit badge sign ups (preference forms) will be available starting at the meeting pre-opening this week! 

Approximately 8 of the bullet point topics below are NEW to this week’s email. Please read through all of these items so you are informed of all we have going on over the next couple of months! 

Here’s everything going on:

  • Summer Camp Sign Ups! Sign Up!
    • August 10-17 at Treasure Valley Scout Reservation
    • The full summer camp info packet is attached. Please take a look through it and sign up for camp by filling out the appropriate paperwork (youth or adult form) contained in the packet. 
    • We will start accepting MERIT BADGE signups from all Scouts starting during the pre-opening at the meeting TOMORROW. See Sam for merit badge sign ups. All Scouts should complete the merit badge form as soon as possible. We want to offer you the badges you want to take! 
  • Gym Night is this Wednesday night at First Church in Weymouth, bring a friend!
    • 6:30-8:15pm, 17 Church Street Weymouth 
  • June Campout – We will be camping at Wompatuck State Park in June
    • Previously mentioned plans for an overnight stay on the USS Constitution have been rescheduled to the fall. 
    • We will be tenting in Scout Site #4 at Wompatuck State Park on June 21-23
    • $20 per person, sign up at any Monday night meeting
    • More info soon, including detailed directions to the campsite from the park road 
  • Crossover Ceremonies – We are receiving new Scouts from Pack 19 and Pack 22
    • We need SCOUTS (and adults) to attend to help us welcome our new Scouts into Troop 19
    • Pack 19 will be at the Braintree Moose Lodge on May 13th (before our regular Troop meeting)
    • Pack 22 has invited us to their crossover at Camp Norse in the evening on Saturday, May 18th. We are receiving a large number of new Scouts in this ceremony! Please let the Scoutmaster know if you will attend. 
  • Nate Campbell Eagle Project Part 2 – Keep Saturday, May 25th on your calendar for this.
  • Tentative May Swim Night Wednesday, May 22nd at a different pool than previous months
  • May Troop Committee Meeting – Sunday, May 19th at 7PM on Zoom

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