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Weekly Updates

This weeks meeting

Braintree Moose Lodge, 175 W Howard St, Braintree, MA 02184 in the event room in the rear of the building. Pre-opening starts at 6:30PM, opening ceremony at 7PM and closing ceremony with announcements at 8:15PM

  • Adult Leader Training Opportunities
    • Wood Badge – April 12-14 AND May 18-19 2024 being run by Spirit of Adventure Council to our north. Details to come on this but the Troop Committee is likely to subsidize your registration cost if you are willing to complete this valuable adult leader training. 
  • Summer Camp 2024 – August 10-17 at Treasure Valley Scout Reservation
    • We are working out the finer details but we will be returning to TVSR for Summer Camp this year! Save the dates, we hope you will all be joining us. 
  • Storage Container Update –
    • We have secured a new home for our storage container, the Sons of Italy in Weymouth. A big Tanks-A-Lot! to the Sons and especially to Eagle #75 for helping us make this connection
    • Very soon, we will need to move the container from the St Thomas More property. This may come on short notice. We will need to unpack the container, load the contents onto trailers and vehicles in order for the container to be moved, then we will need to unload and pack the container at it’s new home.
      • We will need help with this. A lot of help!
    • Once the container is moved and the weather allows, we have committed to painting the container. We will need help for this as well, both Scout and adult help. Any work that requires use of a ladder will require adults. 
    • We are planning for Saturday March 30th and/or Saturday April 6th for the unloading of the container. 
  • Troop Winter Hats Have Arrived – Pick Up next Monday (not available on 3/18)
    • Please be sure you paid for your pre-ordered hats. $12 either in cash or send Venmo to Carolyn. 
    • Additional hats are available for purchase at the same price. 
  • March Swim Night – Wednesday, March 27th from 7-8 PM 
    • Connell Memorial Swimming Pool 220 Broad St, Weymouth
    • Tanks-a-Lot! to Ryan Hawker for making the arrangements with the pool.
  • SAVE THE DATE – Saturday, July 13th at 11AM 
    • A big Troop 19 “Tanks-A-Lot!” to Reem for setting up an opportunity for us to visit the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. More details will be coming but you won’t want to miss this! 

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